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I would love to see an option that is a variation on the hyperlink/GenoMap functions. I have a large GenoMap with multiple family lines. I would like to be able to maintain, update and edit my "master" GenoMap, but have individual families also in their own GenoMap that are linked to the master. In other words, instead of hyperlinking just individuals, I would love to be able to have a whole family by themselves in their own GenoMap, but hyperlinked or slaved to a master GenoMap that contains all the families. The way it is set up now is that when you move a family to its own GenoMap, it is visually removed from the master. I would like what I move to be active in both GenoMaps. What I am doing to achieve this now, is copying and pasting single families to their own GenoMap... but if I make a change to my "master" I have to go to the GenoMap of the individual family "the slave" and update it as well. I wish this was automatic.
K. Scott Rimell
Edited: Friday, April 27, 2007 by
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In otherwords, I think you were saying that the "Shift of Origin" - as in the Euclidean Geometry is to be achieved. After the change, we should be able to click on the individual and say, generate a map with this individual as starting point.
In fact, in the initial stages, I too wanted to have this feature.
regards Sriram
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The problem is that (at present) only individuals, not union and relationship links, can be hyperlinked - there have been discussions within this forum on that topic.Once a tree gets above a certain size and/or complexity, maintaining all individuals on a single tree gets difficult because of overlapping links and the constant need to move sections of the tree to accommodate new individuals; GenoMaps were introduced to simplify the graphical presentation. However, I also found that there was a need to have an 'Index' page to my Family Tree. What I have done on the first of my GenoMaps is set up hyperlinks to the major individuals within my GenoMaps (ie basically the ancestors of my children), so that clicking on any of these individuals will then take me to the more detailed GenoMap. I have created the necessary union and relationship links on this index page, but made sure that the option 'Make Label / Exclude From Report' is ticked on the Summary tab of the Family Properties. There is then no duplication within the report. There is no reason that sub-indices could not also be created. Using this method I can update individuals from either the index page or the relevant GenoMap, and can easily access the detailed GenoMap from the Index page to add new individuals, unions, etc.
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I realize the use of GenoMaps and internal hyperlinks has grown much more than anticipated. The suggestion of having a portion of a GenoMap mirrored (copied/replicated) into another GenoMap has been submitted quite a few times. Sadly, I can't find any such post, but I do remember having answered such suggestions.There is no easy solution to this. GenoPro added the internal hyperlink to the individual object and it took almost a full year to make this stable. Still, GenoPro 2007 has a few bugs related to the internal hyperlink (see post Mate Link disappeared and unable to restore). I am aware I have to fix those bugs, however I need a stable build and it is too risky to touch this code at this point. We have plans to develop a true multi-user version of GenoPro. A master copy could be stored to our server GenoPro.com (or to any another server, provided you install and configure that machine). For the multi-user version, we will need a master-slave mechanism to synchronize the data. Perhaps we could re-use this feature to duplicate portions of GenoMaps.
Edited: Friday, April 27, 2007 by
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Well, like I mentioned, this is merely a "wish list" item that would be great to see someday. I know programming these additional requests and trying to stabilize the program must be an enormous headache and I thank you all for even considering them. I am perfectly content with the way the program works as it is now and would be happy if this is as far as it ever went. I have been using GenoPro since I found it online for free back in 1998 (I think) and as soon as you offered the Gold subscription, I bought it. It is the only program I have used consistently and I think GenoPro is a fantastic tool! :
K. Scott Rimell
Edited: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 by
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Thank you very much for supporting the development of GenoPro by purchasing our product. Your purchase funded the development of GenoPro 2007.I still have at least one decade of work on GenoPro. The best is yet to come!
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G'Day,I have been trying to find something similar, but probably a little less complicated. I have been splitting (pruning) my (so called) "Master" tree by creating GenoMaps based on Surname. This is generally where a female child marries and has children with the fathers surname, I have created GenoMaps for the new surname. I have the married couple on both my "Master" tree and the new GenoMap, but then only have the children on the new GenoMap. I treat the Husband on my "Master" tree as a ghost, only recording the bare details, but because the Wife is the key family link, I have to update both "Master" and new GenoMaps when there is a change or update to the Wifes information. What I suggest as an enhancement is the ability to have the individual with the Hyperlink reference treated as the "slave" or "clone" of the individual who the Hyperlink extends to. Example: John Smith marries Sarah Wesson, there would be two GenoMaps, one for Smith and one for Wesson, on the Wesson GenoMap Sarah Wesson is identified and a new mate is created, both these individuals and their relationship link would be coppied and pasted to the Smith GenoMap. Then John Smith on the Wesson GenoMap would be setup to HyperLink to the John Smith on the Smith GenoMap, likewise the Sarah Wesson on the Smith GenoMap would have a Hyperlink to the Sarah Wesson on the Wesson GenoMap. Once that is done, some form of indication could be used (such as light grey colour) to indicate the individual who is a "slave" or "clone" and whenever the individual they are hyperlinked to is updated, the change is also made to the "slave" / "clone". Is that a possibility? Graham (aka BlackAdder)
Edited: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 by
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Hyperlinked individuals are already in fact 'master' and 'slave' with only one holding the data. Clicking on a 'slave' will display the data from the 'master'. Hyperlinked copies can have different display properties, so you can choose how to indicate which is master and which is a slave. For example you could change the display name to add '(slave)' after it. See discussion http://support.genopro.com/FindPost18860.aspx for more details.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 by
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I have about 1500 individuals in my family tree and about ~60 genomaps. Most of the individuals and families are from one or two small villages, with a lot of intermarriages.
What I'd like to see implemented is a "high-level" genomap, that sort of looks like a "state" diagram, so I can see how all the families are linked.
-Each Genomap is represented by a circle/oval/rectangle with the family's name in the middle of it -It might show the number of individuals/families in that genomap if you hover over it. Or total number of people .. total living/total dead. -All the Genomaps are shown on the same page, with weighted lines connecting them appropriately. Say Family A had 5 marriages to Family B, while Family B had 1 marriage to Family C. You would see a heavy line between A and B with a "5" on it, and a lighter line between B and C with a "1" on it. There would be no lines drawn between A and C. -It might list the marriages if you hover over the link. -If you click on the Genomap shape, you jump to that Genomap. -You could lay out the Genomap shape yourself, or do an Autoarrange
I've tried laying out the Genomaps by hand but it gets too cumbersome.