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Hi Harry, Roland et al,
Following on from http://support.genopro.com/FindPost32349.aspxThe skin can now be found attached to post Latest GenoPro 2011 'Narrative Report' Skin It has an extra tab in Config Params dialog for requesting PDF output. This causes the skin to bypass most of the templates and produce one big individuals.htm page containing all individual details. This is then run through the webkit based wkhtmltopdf to convert to pdf format. THIS CAN TAKE A VERY LONG TIME! e.g. 10 or more hours with say 5000 individuals, so try some small files first. N.B. As of version 2013.10.14 you can now produce a PDF for a subset of the GenoMaps in your document, thus dividing your PDF book into a number of smaller 'volumes'. This can make production times more manageable..A cover page, table of contents, introduction and page headers and footers are added to the PDF. Some issues still to be resolved are:- - pictures can be split between pages (no solution known as yet)
Individual 'Attributes and Events' not shown- non-functional hyperlinks to places, pictures, sources etc. need to be removed
need to 'localize' some of the new config messages into ConfigMsgEN.xml to assist translationcollapse/expand icons need to be removed (a simple styling issue)- Timelines can caused a failure to generate report so please disable via Configuration Params.
May work for small files but large number of timeline charts cause stack overflow. probably add an option to have page breaks at change of initial letter rather than each last name as a t present.include wkhtmltopdf.exe in skin to avoid separate download. (Still working with Jean-Claude on this one)Rogue 'notes' for 'whereabouts' picture?
I'm keeping this release away from the normal thread for now. I have yet to fully test the normal HTML report function of this skin. Please report any new issues found with both HTML and PDF outputs. A sample PDF for the ubiquitous Harry Potter is at http://familytrees.genopro.com/genome/HarryPotter/HarryPotter.pdfHaving run the skin countless times over the past few weeks as I tried to weed out the problems I got tired of waiting for it to copy support files (Google Maps, Timelines, theme data etc) so I have added an 'Optimized Upload' parameter to suppress copying if same version of skin has already published to target (timelines, google) or same theme has been published before (theme files). This param is set by default.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Monday, December 16, 2013 by
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I have this error after publish to the local directory:
Error at line 37, position 4 (individual.htm) generating 'Potter-Harry-ind00001.htm': Neplatné volání nebo argument procedury: '[string: "(null)"]' Microsoft VBScript - chyba při běhu programu 800A0005
Whats wrong?
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I'm keeping this release away from the normal thread for now. I have yet to test the normal HTML report function of this skin.
At present this version of the skin is focused on the PDF report rather than the HTML one. Please continue to use version 2013.08.28 for HTML web report
But thanks anyway for reporting this error. Looks like a simple typo on my part which I will rectify soon.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Sunday, September 15, 2013 by
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I have corrected the error in individual.htm so HTML report should now work. See version 2013.09.15 in first post of this thread.
There is also a change to the installation requirements to get a later version of wkhtmltopdf.exe to show gif images correctly. The arrow icons have been removed too.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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I have this error while processing to the local directory: .... [167.87] Elaborazione modello 'scripts\gmap_places.js'... [167.88] Elaborazione modello 'individuals.htm'... Please wait - running: "C:\Users\LeVit\Documents\GenoPro\Skins\NarrativePDF_2013.09.15\Code\wkhtmltopdf" --no-stop-slow-scripts --outline-depth 3 --page-width 600 --header-html "C:\Users\LeVit\Documents\LEPORE\PROVA\ProvaPDF\header.htm" --footer-html "C:\Users\LeVit\Documents\LEPORE\PROVA\ProvaPDF\footer.htm" cover "C:\Users\LeVit\Documents\LEPORE\PROVA\ProvaPDF\cover.htm" toc --xsl-style-sheet "C:\Users\LeVit\Documents\GenoPro\Skins\NarrativePDF_2013.09.15\Code\toc.xsl" "C:\Users\LeVit\Documents\LEPORE\PROVA\ProvaPDF\individuals.htm" C:\Users\LeVit\AppData\Local\Temp\rad0B310.pdf Errore alla linea 91, positione 4 (individuals.htm): 80070002
The file individuals.htm looks correct and contains all individuals present in the gno file Whats wrong? Thanks
Vittorino Lepore "Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
Edited: Monday, September 16, 2013 by
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Did you see this part of the installation instructions in my first post?
Your error suggests to me that perhaps wkhtmltopdf.exe is not in the Code folder of the skin. I cannot include this file in the skin as it makes the attachment too large for this forum site. So you must download it yourself from the link given.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Monday, September 16, 2013 by
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vlepore (16-Sep-2013) I have this error while processing to the local directory: ....
I had such errors with Narrative_2013.09.15, but has presently understood that in Narrative_2013.09.15 no need to install wkhtmltopdf 10.0 rc2. For Narrative_2013.09.13: |
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Thank you. Now everything works. (With some small problem)
Vittorino Lepore "Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
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Hi, I won't be able to reply promptly until mi-October. I could generate the PDF report as planned after following the instructions. A small glitch which is not fatal: wkhtmlopdf.exe executes in its pop-up window, but stops at the end with an "abnormal termination" message.
Looking at the design, I have two remarks:
1) There could probably be many individual preferred requirements in terms of format of the report: portrait/landscape, fonts, notes/no notes, pictures/no pictures, whereabouts/no whereabouts, occupation/no occupation which you cannot all parameterize.
2) How to integrate easily the PDF report part into customized narrative skins (different languages, complete different formats) producing reports like the ones showed in the trees published on-line on the GenoPro site.
A logical solution to both remarks could be that the PDF report generation take places as a different process, following sequentially the narrative report generation process. With such a design, everybody could do its own thing and generate the desired narrative report which would then be transformed into an alphabetical report in one document, respecting the initial formats. Otherwise, at every new version of the Narrative Report skin, the foreign language and custom skin users will have to go through an integration process (similar and in addition to the foreign language integration process). Another solution could be, if not already done, to segregate the PDF part into modules which have no other function and could then be copied as is into the Narrative skin. But I have no appreciation if this is feasible technically.
Kind regards
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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The result of the narrative report in PDF seems good. I have tried both in English and Italian and everything appears exactly as on the web.
Remarks: 1) The initial document is written with center alignment. It seems more appropriate to a left alignment, or rather justified.
2) when there is a thumbnail next to the last son, the next person is not properly aligned (see image). If the thumbnail is not next to the latest, everything's fine.

3) The small picture on the right next to the Children, is too small and maybe it's useless. In html made sense because he could be maximized.
thanks genome
Vittorino Lepore "Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
Edited: Monday, September 16, 2013 by