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Anna (8/4/2008) I notice that the hotkeys selected from the keywords in the drop down menueshave remained as they were in the English version. In the Swedish one, they have been set to a letter that is in the Swedish version of the game.
Is there a "policy" for how to do it?The hotkeys have been hardcoded into GenoPro. Changing the hotkeys will requires many weeks of work, including writing a dialog to enter those hotkeys and a hotkey manager to detect collisions. It will be done when I get rid of the MFC Framework and write my own toolbars and menus. Users will be able to customize the menus, toolbars as well as the hotkeys.
Edited: Monday, August 4, 2008 by
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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I don't need them to be switched. It is just that the translation interface allows the translator to set them differently, so I assumed that they were changeable! There is even a function that tells me if I use the same hotkey more than once in the same menu... Now that I know, I will try to work my way through them setting it correctly.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Hm...It seems I must have misinbterpreted you here. When I translate &File into &Arkiv, pressing the alt key and the A-key opens the file-drop down list. Just as it should. So, I do NOT need to keep the letter F as in Arkiv &F This is what was shown for the example above that I referred to. Hence, I won't need to make those changes of my localization... Anna
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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This is my point:In Slovenian, the translator has opted to add an extra letter after the translated word in the cases where the letter is not in that word itself. Check the "Print Preview", "exit", "undo", "redo". But not for all entries: Check "Print". I was confused as to which rule to apply. So when you said it was hardcoded, I assumed this "added letter" model was what you wanted. But, since changing the letter to one contained in the word works fine, I will keep doing it that way. [/quote]
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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You can change the shortcuts in the menus, but not the global shortcuts. If you want to use Ne&w for for File New, then you will have to press the letter W when the menu is opened, however the global shortcut will be Ctrl+N for a new file, and the keyboard key W will create a new male on the family tree.I frequently revise the translated skins to add/or remove text for the translation. One frequent mistake is forgetting to add the ellipsis (...) or the argument parameters {0} when applicable.
Edited: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 by
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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You are an early bird, with world record response time!  Yes, I understand. And I think that in the names of the menues, an extra added letter should be avoided, since it really makes the menu look odd. In the "dropped down" items, I can see a use for it though. Especially since it is really easy to miss something and use the same letter for two different items.
Forum Members Gamma GenoPro version:
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How can I access the Gamma project and help to make GenoPro more usefull for Polish users?
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Hola:¿Cuando estará disponible la nueva versión de GenoPro? Saludos, Josep M.
Josep M. Clavera Ortiz