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Author update to English Narrative Report skin
Posted Monday, May 7, 2007 - Post #17661
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Attachment now removed as GenoPro has been released.

Better handling to 'to be ' & 'to have' verbs in Dictionary in relation to translation to other languages. Now has singular & plural forms and provision for Spanish 'ser' & estar' translations of 'to be'.

  • Meta Description & Keyword phases now in Dictionary.xml. Also FramesetSafeguard and 'WriteNarrativeMFU' phrases.
  • 'TimelineWrapEvents' option to allow one event per track on timeline. Set to 'N' in Config.xml or Document Custom Tag.
  • Fix for IE7 'Overview of Geocoded places' bug.
  • Clicking a child name on a family page now causes 'Children' subsection to open and page to scroll to child details.
  • SVG pictures on relative path
  • Validation of Custom Tags to provide improved error reporting.

There may be more that I have forgotten about!

To use unpack the attached zip file into a new 'Custom Skin' folder below your nominated GenoPro Report 'skins' folder.

Update 8 May 2007:
 RC2 has facility to change the Individual tags used to obtain names for the report via Dictionary.xml entries TagNameFull, TagNameFormal, TagNameKnownAs and TagNameShort. Example: change TagNameShort from "Name.Short" to say "Name.FirstAndLast" or just "Name" to use the full name throughout the Report. You can also specify a Custom tag to be used for a name.

Update 9 May 2007:
Apologies for this rash of release candidates but in a rare moment of inspiration I hit upon a reasonably painless way to allow masculine and feminine forms of phrasing without hopefully causing to much disruption to other translations. The attached skin has this feature. Essentially to 'to be' and 'to have' verb Dictionary Entries and also phrases where the subject is either masculine of feminine can have optional additional copies  by appending _F or _M (or even _P) to the default entry name. The attached Dictionary.xml has some extra notes and has ToBe_Past_M and PhBirth_F to serve as examples. Please let me know if I have missed some phrases. These phrases are accesssed via the StrDicMF function in Lang.vbs. May be this will allow someone to produce a French version of the skin for example.

Update No2 9 May 2007:
Added another little fix to deal with the problem raised by jcguasp back in December regarding place prepositions in French. I have used pattern matching 'regular expressions' in the Dictionary to convert à Le ... to au ... and à Les ... to aux ... e.g. 'à Le Mans to 'au Mans' and 'à Les Lilas' to 'aux Lilas'. This is similar to the way Possessive Proper Noun's are handled.
Warning to existing translators:  I have changed the delimiters used in the PossessiveProperNoun Dictionary entry. See Dictionary entry  PlacePrepositionExceptions (to be renamed LocativeProperNoun) and the notes above it for more details.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Friday, May 25, 2007 by Ron
Posted Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Post #17671
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Excellent work Ron!,Smile

It's working perfect. I couldn't find any error.

Thanks a lot!


Posted Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - Post #17674
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Ron (5/7/2007)
Update 9 May 2007:

Apologies for this rash of release candidates but in a rare moment of inspiration I hit upon a reasonably painless way to allow masculine and feminine forms of phrasing without hopefully causing to much disruption to other translations. The attached skin has this feature. Essentially to 'to be' and 'to have' verb Dictionary Entries and also phrases where the subject is either masculine of feminine can have optional additional copies  by appending _F or _M (or even _P) to the default entry name. The attached Dictionary.xml has some extra notes and has ToBe_Past_M and PhBirth_F to serve as examples. Please let me know if I have missed some phrases. These phrases are accesssed via the StrDicMF function in Lang.vbs. May be this will allow someone to produce a French version of the skin for example.

Hi Ron,

Wow! excellent!, BigGrin: that means no more changes to the lang.vbs! Hehe

In spanish the phrases are:

PhBirth Smile
PhChildRank, but here is an additional problem, becuse the gender is reflected too  as suffix of the Ordinal phrase, "a" for female (first=primera, second=segunda, etc.) and "o" for male (first=primero, second=segundo, etc.),  but not when use Oldest(mayor) or Youngest (menor), there should be some way to know when the oldest and youngest are used to skip the suffix.


<PhChildRank T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} el/la [{2}][ {3}]o(a) de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />
<PhChildRank_F T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} la [{2}][ {3}]a de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />
<PhChildRank_M T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} el [{2}][ {3}]o de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />

<_Ordinal_2 T="segund"/>   <!--without suffix -->
<_Cardinal_2 T="dos"/>
<Child T="hijo" P="hijos" C1="un hijo"/>
<Oldest T="mayor" P="mayores" C2="mayor"/>
<OldestOrdinal T="{0} {1}"/>
<Youngest T="menor" P="menores" C2="menor"/>

Using male and female:
Ella es la segunda de tres hijos
El es el segundo de tres hijos

But when a female (or male) is the older or youngest the result is:
Ella es la mayora de dos hijos
Ella es la menora de dos hijos
El es el mayoro de dos hijos
El es el menoro de dos hijos

Should be:
Ella es la mayor de dos hijos
Ella es la menor de dos hijos
El es el mayor de dos hijos
El es el menor de dos hijos

Thanks Ron,


Edited: Wednesday, May 9, 2007 by haep

Posted Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - Post #17677
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Thanks for the feedback Hugo. I am a little puzzled by your PhChildRank results. If parameter 2 is an ordinal value rather than older, oldest, younger or youngest then parameter 3 should be set to 'oldest' e.g. John is the third oldest of the four children. Are you using the default lang.vbs?

If parameter 3 is set the usual way then you could have

<PhChildRank T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} el/la [{2}]o(a) de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />
<PhChildRank_F T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} la [{2}][{?3}a] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />
<PhChildRank_M T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} el [{2}][{?3}o] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - Post #17679
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Ron (5/9/2007)
If parameter 3 is set the usual way then you could have
<PhChildRank T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} el/la [{2}]o(a) de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />
<PhChildRank_F T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} la [{2}][{?3}a] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />
<PhChildRank_M T="{ &#32;}{\U}{0} {1} el [{2}][{?3}o] de {4}[ {5}] {6}." />

Blush You are totally rigth Ron, I don't know where my mind was, Sorry for inconvenience and thanks for quick response Smile



Posted Friday, May 11, 2007 - Post #17685
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HY, I don't know if its a typo or a difference in a way of comprehension...

Someone was baptized, but His/Hers godparents ARE (not WERE) unless he/her or godparent is deceased.

So the sentence should say, He/Her was baptized... his/hers godfather IS...  his/hers godmother IS... (unless deceased).

"εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)

Edited: Friday, May 11, 2007 by V.L.o
Posted Friday, May 11, 2007 - Post #17687
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V.L.o (5/11/2007)
HY, I don't know if its a typo or a difference in a way of comprehension...

Someone was baptised, but His/Hers godparents ARE (not WERE) unless he/her or godparent is deceased.

So the sentence should say, He/Her was baptised... his/hers godfather IS...  his/hers godmother IS... (unless deceased).

'Was' is correct if 'at the time of the baptism event' is implied. But I agree it is open to misinterpretation.

Unfortunately the tags Birth.Baptism.Godfather/mother are simple text entries and have no IsDead property, and so the script cannot determine whether they are dead or alive. If this is important to you, you could use the 'godparent of' Social Relationship' instead, which does take acount of the IsDead settings.

Also I will change the phrase to say 'was/is' if the Godchild is still alive to reflect this uncertainty.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, May 11, 2007 - Post #17689
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Thanks for swift response, it might be language related issue as well as in Croatian its pre-assumed that if you refer about someone in past tense he/she is dead! 

"εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)
Posted Friday, May 11, 2007 - Post #17696
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Hi Ron,

Feedback: In RC4 there's still missing the gender phrase capability for PhNameFriendly and PhTL_Birth.

By the way, do you have any notice from Dan about the issue with the partner translation. (the solution that you give me is working parfect, but I still need to making changes to lang.vbs and family.htm in each new version of the skin)Blush



Posted Saturday, May 12, 2007 - Post #17704
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Hi Hugo, I'll add those changes to the version for, including code to handle the partner issue. This should be available early next week.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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