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online backups lost

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Posted Saturday, November 23, 2013 - Post #32748
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I have been backing up my data online since a year ago.  Since then I have reformatted my computer and re-installed my programs.  Now when I sign in to online backup there are no files there (I am using the same email and password I used previously).  I really cannot afford to lose all that data!  Where can I get those files back from my server.
Posted Saturday, November 23, 2013 - Post #32749
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If you used the online backup of the GenoPro file menu, but are having problems, try the ftp client from
This will show you the files on the server and you can download from there
Posted Saturday, November 23, 2013 - Post #32750
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Thanks for the reply.  I wasn't able to get the FTP client to work (it said the folder name was invalid).  Fortunately I was able to find my files on an old hard drive backup.

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