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Errors displaying Timelines in Firefox, Chrome and IE

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Author Different behaviour of browsers when dealing with Timelines
Posted Thursday, January 23, 2014 - Post #33050
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Last Login: Monday, August 28, 2023
Posts: 26, Visits: 135
The report generator gives no sign of error as can be seen below:
But Firefox sends back the above message every time one is accessing an individual or a family where a Timeline is to be displayed. Click OK on the message and all is well, the Timeline is displayed.

I thought that the error could be in Firefox and therefore switched to IE and Chrome to check what happens in their case. I have summarized the results in the table below:
As can be seen a problem exists in all the browsers I tested. Firefox although not perfect remains the best browser to display Timelines (even Chrome says so!!).

Also note that the problem is not new as it already existed with previous Narrative Reports.

I use Firefox as my favorite browser and cannot remember having seen such an error in older versions of Firefox. Could it be something linked to the development of all browsers towards HTML5?



Added after first post:

I tried the same test on another genopro tree that I found in a recent post

Questa genealogia è stata elaborata con GenoPro® versione il 10.8.2011
con il Dizionario per la 'Elaborazione Record HTML' versione 23.07.2011

It is clear that it generated with a former version of genopro,and with an even older version of the Narrative report. But it does not have any problem when displaying timelines in the most recent versions of Firefox or Chrome or IE.

So, what has changed in genopro itself or in the narrative report?


Edited: Thursday, January 23, 2014 by 294117

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