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Search Engine (e.g. Google) indexing of report pages

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Author prevent your relatives' names popping up on Google searches
Posted Thursday, June 27, 2019 - Post #39951
Legendary Master

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Well, on the premise of 'better late than never' or perhaps 'better extremely late than never' I have amended the Narrative report to take heed of a recommendation by Nand ( some TWELVE years ago!  

I came across it recently when looking into robots.txt etc for web sites. Somehow I must have missed t at the time. Blush Unsure

The attached Narrative Common zipped folder adds a 'Search Engine Indexing' setting to the Contents tab the the Configuration Parameters dialogue. By default this is set to 'Do not index', causing all pages to have the the line <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/> to request search engines not to index or follow links on those pages. If you do want Google etc. to create links to your pages then you will need to change this option to 'index', but check with any living individuals mentioned in the report first!

Download and unzip the attached replacing the existing Narrative Common folder in your GenoPro Report Skins folder.

For existing reports setting a password on your report should prevent access to the actual pages but they may remain in the search engines cache. In future it is best to set a password on a small dummy report then generate your actual full report to the same location. 

Again for existing reports to block access to data via search engine references I suggest you delete the report and then republish, after applying this update, to a different folder/directory (See Web directory (optional) field on the Web Publishing window of the GenoPro Generate Report dialogue.) But be aware it could take several weeks before any Google links to it disappear.

To delete a report or set a password visit your GenoPro Account page ( and see Online Publications section.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Narrative Common (2019.06.27).zip (65 views, 1.37 MB)


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