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Is there a way to Toggle Layers in a GenoMap?

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Posted Saturday, September 16, 2023 - Post #43375
Famous Writer

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Last Login: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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I've tried various methods to highlight Y-DNA (passed from a father to each son) and mt-DNA (passed from each mother to each child).

I've tried changing the colours inside a gender shape, changing the gender shape outline, changing the colour of the box surrounding a gender shape, changing the colour of drop, marriage, and child lines.

They all end up making it complicated to figure out what is going on in the GenoMap, and what DNA was passed from which person to another, and who might be good candidates for future DNA testing.

My most recent idea is to create a shape (created by hand) that runs down the left side of individuals that inherited a particular Y-DNA, see imagine below:

The shape for mt-DNA would run down the right side and be in a different colour.

My question is, can I create 3 Layers that I can toggle through?  (It would be great if additional layers could be added to the transmission of other types of DNA)
Layer 1 would be the normal GenoMap
Layer 2 would be the Y-DNA, for example
Layer 3 would be the mt-DNA

Layer 1 would always appear, and I could add in Layer 2 or 3, or both Layer 2 and 3.

Here's an example of an easy to follow mt-DNA transmission from this magazine articleMacleans Article on King Richard III

Here's a less clear diagram from this site: MI Teaching Tool

And here's my attempt at using Dark Green inside a gender shape to show Y-DNA, and light green to show mt-DNA transmission.  Colour choices could be better, but it's still difficult to follow how the DNA is passed, and where it gets cut off.

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Forum Post Is there a way to Toggle Layers in a GenoMap? By NiKo ( Saturday, September 16, 2023 )
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