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Author Wrong parameter in Catalan
Posted Thursday, February 15, 2024 - Post #43795
Famous Writer

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The first parameter for PhBurial is His/her and depens of the Gender.
but in Catalan it will be use not from the gender. it will be from the burial type

el seu enterrament
el seu enterro
la seva incineració
la seva sepultura...

<!--  V="±"  0=his|her, 1=disposition type, 2=disposition date, 3=disposition place, 4=he/she, 5=disposition type ID, 6=gender ID
            Test={0}=her, {1}=buried|cremated|body was entombed|, {2}= on 12 Mar 1970|, {3}= in the cemetery|, {4}=she, {5:1}=Burial|Cremation|Entombment|, {6}=F  -->
T="{  &#32;}{\U}[[{?5=Burial}{!4} was][{!}[{?5=Cremation}{!4} was][{!}[{?!5}{!4} was][{!}{!0}]]]] {1!=buried}{2}{3h}."/>

I'm not sure what is the best solution...
may be to put the ariicle on the Bodydonation, Bodyneverfound, Burial, Cremation, entombment, Other and Unknow labels?
Posted Friday, February 16, 2024 - Post #43799
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I suggest a solution would be to allow variants of the PhBurial phase, baaed on the Body Disposition value.  The standard PhBurial phrase would cater for the most common form, so say that is masuculine forms e.g.

el seu enterrament
el seu enterro

But other forms, say feminine forms e.g.
la seva incineració
la seva sepultura

would require their own phrases 


The code would first check for a specific variant phrase PhBurial_X.....X for the body disposition type and if not found then the standard PhBurial would be used.

You can choose which gender the standard phrase caters for, Masculine or Feminine

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, February 16, 2024 - Post #43800
Famous Writer

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I Agree.
it can be an easy solution.

How can I implement it?
Posted Friday, February 16, 2024 - Post #43801
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I will post revised Skin Templates in a 'few days' with this amendment and also revised code for the issue discussed in

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - Post #44187
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Finally I had some time to take a look of the catalan Report.

99% works fine.

the problem that we had with some events like in PhBurial. we have also on other places like on the CeremonyType. Some are male and others are Female

Baptism = el bateig
Circumcision = la circuncissió
Confirmation = la confirmació

on the PhBirth we have the article that comes from the individual gender. But on this case the article depends of the ceremony type. (parameter 11 don't work)

the same Problem can be on other context like Birthday, Baptism, Buried, cremation.......
Posted Friday, June 21, 2024 - Post #44191
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Perhaps a simple solution here is to include the article in the Dictionary.xml entry. e.g.

T="el baptisme"/>
T="el bateig cristià"/>
T="la circumcissió (brith-milah)"/>

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, June 21, 2024 - Post #44193
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Yes, I was thinking also in this solution. 

But I'm not sure if those labels are used in another parts of the report
Posted Sunday, June 23, 2024 - Post #44198
Famous Writer

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If we try this solution of change the label, we will have some problems because we use the labels on the Timeline

I made this change on the PhBirth....

 [{?12=bateig}el seu bateig][{?12=confirmació}la seva confirmació]

this work fine, and for the moment is a good solution

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