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reporte en español

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Author Problemas con el reporte en español...
Posted Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Post #24521
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Hi HAEV, I don´t understand why my spanish report are not workin if I do all that you say to me.

I change the English skin for an Spanish skin. I am working with the spanish dictionary and I changed de config file. Why my spanish generator report are not working?

I am working with genopro 2.0.16 but I also worked with

What I am working bad?

Thanks, Hugo
Posted Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Post #24524
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You need to tell us what error you are getting when running the report before we have any hope of helping you!

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Post #24525
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This is the error that give me the report:

Genopro.JPG (95 views, 162.07 KB)
Posted Sunday, August 23, 2009 - Post #24529
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Disculpa la molestia.

Tengo el problema de que he instalado el reporte en español y me da el siguiente error:

enerando reporte en 'C:\Documents and Settings\Florencia\My Documents\GenoPro Reports\ARBOL VERGEL\'

Clonando documento munuera vergel...

Abriendo el archivo de configuración Config.xml para la plantilla '\Customized English Narrative Report\* (Spanish Narrative Report)'...

Cargando el archivo Dictionary.xml

[0.00] Procesando archivo de plantilla 'init.htm'...

Title Missing! Click on the "Document" tab to set a title to your genealogy report.

To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report' dialog.

Please wait while IE form initializes

N.B. PDF images for GenoMaps will not be generated as the Inkscape package must be installed for this but Inkscape was not found on the path specified (or defaulted) in Config Parameter 'InkscapePath' (C:\WINDOWS\..\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe)

[5.01] Diccionario de lenguaje.Lookup('MarkerFirstName') falló!

Error en la línea 1244, posición 3 (Code/Util.vbs): Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Mid' Microsoft VBScript runtime error 800A0005


Estoy usando la version Muchas gracias desde ya.


Posted Sunday, August 23, 2009 - Post #24533
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To both Hugo and Florencia (who perhaps should have started a new topic rather than posting here)

Please down the latest English Narrative Report skin from Latest English Narrative Report and unzip into a new Genopro skin folder.

Then replace the Dictictionary.xml file in that folder with the Spanish Dictionary.xml downloaded from

Then run the GenoPro Report Generator specifying this skin. The Report should generate but will give a number of warning messages indicating where the latest Spanish Dictionary is out of step with the latest English version.

It would be helpful to others  if someone could correct these missing entries and submit the updated Spanish Dictionary.xml to this forum.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, August 24, 2009 by GenoProSupport
Posted Monday, August 24, 2009 - Post #24540
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Muchas gracias !!!


Posted Friday, September 4, 2009 - Post #24609
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Dear Ron,

Please help me, I have followed instructions in web page to change from English to Spanish report, but I keep on getting below mistake message, please tell me what to do, because now I cannot get reports neither in English nor in Spanish!!!

Generando reporte en 'C:\Documents and Settings\Usuario\Mis documentos\Mis imágenes\concha\MUNILLA\Árbol Genealógico\'

Clonando documento Aguirre...

Abriendo el archivo de configuración Config.xml para la plantilla '\Customized Spanish Narrative Report\* (Spanish Narrative Report)'...

Cargando el archivo Dictionary.xml

[0.00] Procesando archivo de plantilla 'init.htm'...

To enable display of parameter settings, untick the box under 'Options' tab of this dialog.

N.B. PDF images for GenoMaps will not be generated as the Inkscape package must be installed for this but Inkscape was not found on the path specified (or defaulted) in Config Parameter 'InkscapePath' (C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe)

N.B. Thumbnails for pictures and embedded pictures in GenoMaps will not be generated as the IrfanView package must be installed for this but IrfanView was not found on the path specified (or defaulted) in Config Parameter 'IrfanViewPath' (C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe)

[0.95] Diccionario de lenguaje.Lookup('MarkerFirstName') falló!

Error en la línea 1244, posición 3 (Code/Util.vbs): Argumento o llamada a procedimiento no válidos: 'Mid' Error de Microsoft VBScript en tiempo de ejecución 800A0005

Posted Friday, September 4, 2009 - Post #24610
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Did you use the latest version of the Spanish dictionary as Ron indicated?  The 'MarkerFirstName' entry is a new one introduced in version  So I believe the Spanish dictionary you are using is not the one which is why the lookup failed.

Did you try to generate a report with the English Narrative report?  If you don't get the error with that skin you may be sure the dictionary is the culprit.

Posted Monday, September 7, 2009 - Post #24620
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You are right: No one is using SP Dictionary because it do not exist...the last published was, to have nice reports in spanish we have to be programmers, translators....and genealogist....  Angry

Posted Tuesday, September 8, 2009 - Post #24624
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Code has been included in the Latest English Narrative Report skin to allow earlier translations of Dictionary.xml to be use,  including SP, as a result of forum posts raising this issue of difficulties in keeping them in step.

Warnings are now given in the Report Log for any unmatched Dictionary entries and if new features are used then the result will be the English phrase but a report will still be produced. These Warning messages should assist anyone prepared to carry on the good work of Hugo and others in producing the Spanish translation. No programming skills are required but a good understanding of how the GenoPro phrase generator operates is needed in order to convert the English phrases into Spanish equivalents. I will happily make programming changes to accommodate different grammatical constructs etc. that may be required.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Monday, September 14, 2009 by Ron

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