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I have version 2007 / Trying to translate “Customized English Nattative Report“ into Finnish - NOT SUCCEEDED! 1. Copied “Customized English Nattative Report {EN} into a folder 2. Renamed the folder “Customized Finnish Narrative Report” 3. Changed Config.xml 3rd line into “<Skin Name="Kertomus -raportti" Language="FI">” 4. Because I couldn’t (I did not know where to find them) download a finnish *.xml (I suppose your instructions means all 3 files; NameDictionary.xml, Dictionary.xml and Config.xml) file containing the localized text, I translated: a. Dictionary.xml all <Enumerations> into finnish, also first line in this file = <Dictionary Language="FI" After all this effort I run Create report but it was still completely in English. What do I wrong?
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If you can make your translated dictionary.xml file available here as attachment, someone from the forum members will have a look at it and will let you know what to do.
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Thanks for your work you have done so far, but the most important part of the narrative phrases starts more down the file, where you have the phrases about birth, death, marriages, occupations, dates, education, headers, and so on. Unless you have translated those phrases, most part of your report will remain in English. The enumerations are only a small part of the whole work. In other words you have done nothing wrong so far but not enough. Sorry for this comment.
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Thanks for your advise. One question though. So far I've been translating directly in Dictionary.xml BUT is this the right place to do the translation? I mean that this job could be utilized also elsewhere. BR, Jarmo
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183942 (9/4/2008) One question though.
So far I've been translating directly in Dictionary.xml BUT is this the right place to do the translation? BR, Jarmo Yes! There is no other file to be translated for creating the report. The dictionary file will also be used for the descendants report.
Edited: Thursday, September 4, 2008 by
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If you open the program GenoPro, there is a nice little gadget there: Tools. Phrase editor.
If you have the Finnish version of the report selected in the "generate report", this little program will automatically find all the textrows in your dictionary.xml that creats textlines in the report.
On the right hand side, click "pick from dictionary.xml" Now, the line from the xmlfile is shown in the top window once you click the row number you wanna change.
If it is a trextrow that is preceded by a row with "Test", the thin window will have the data from the test automatically inserted into the grid underneath. Then, a whole range of possible sentences, using the different alternatives given in "test", is produced.
Now, you can start swapping the english words in that sentece (the textrow from the dictionary file, top window), and see what happens in the sentences below.
You either do this in the text editor where you open the dictionary file (every save makes it possible to get the new text back refreshed into the window by, for instance, using "previous" and "next".
Or, just change it directly in the window and make sure you copy it back once you are satisfied! This is more "dangerous" since it is possible for you to copy/paste incorrectly...
Save your unchanged file under as different name before you start changing stuff, and generate the report after you have done changes; this is the easiest debugging method! If you have missed a parenthis or something, the report generator will immediately tell you something is wrong!
So: Once you have started, some sentences will look awfully wrong. Then, you may need to start understanding how the rows are written!
The next reply has the links to the "how to" pages on this subject.
I assume you read Swedish? I'll send my swedish dictionary file to this forum so you can see what I mean! Nice people will cooperate with you and correct errors you find, and tell you how to fix them!
Edited: Thursday, September 4, 2008 by
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Information about the dictionary file is here: http://www.genopro.com/sdk/Report-Generator/Dictionary/ and the instruction on how to write your own sentences with this programming language is here: http://www.genopro.com/sdk/Report-Generator/Phrase/
However, you don't need to understand the whole thing. Just post what gets wrong, and someone will likely spend some effort in helping you to get it right!
As for translating the enumerations: If you have them translated in the section language / finnish / enumerations in the program itself, then you can "cheat" and get them as text straight from that section. So, start by translating the enumerations in there, and make sure you submit the changes: use the collaboration setting to make sure your translations get uploaded!
Now... Since Ron is constantly updating the report, I like to keep the english bits in the swedish dictionary file. This way, I can use a "text compare" to find what things have been changed from my latest translation and just fix those bits, if needed.
What I do is: I keep the dictionary, and copy the section I wanna translate. Translate it, and put the marker to make the english text a "comment"
This is done by putting the
where it ends.
I downloaded the free editor PSpad. There are several equally good editors out there. What they do, is they color code the text.
You very easily see what text is comments, etc.
And: When you need to compare texts, open the dictionary in a window, click "tools/text differences" Select rons latest dictionary. Now you get a new window with two columns: your text on the left, Rons on the right.
The color tells you what is the same, and what is different. Click where you wish to change stuff, and it takes you to the dictionary.
Nice, isn't it?
Thats it for a start... I think we should put something like this in a "start instruction" for enthusiasts wanting to help out!
/ Anna
Edited: Thursday, September 4, 2008 by
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Thanks for your kind support. 1. I noticed when using "Phrase Editor" and picked "Dictionary.xml" I had translated that I cannot see every line I have in this xml -file ie. there are missing many lines I've actually translated. 2. I've done wrong translation for Dictionary.xme for report eg. there is a translation like this: "Tiedot Juho's perhe Martta Jussila (Siipola)" and the problem is that I don't find this translation. This sould be in "Tiedot Juho'n perheestä" (in english: "Data of Juho's family") or "Tiedot Juhon ja Martan perheestä" (in english: "Data of Juho's and Martta's family"). 3. By the way, can you advise how to define correct date format for reports? I mean that eg. instead of June 20th 1943 I'd rather see a date 20.06.1943. BR, Jarmo
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183942 (9/8/2008) 1. I noticed when using "Phrase Editor" and picked "Dictionary.xml" I had translated that I cannot see every line I have in this xml -file ie. there are missing many lines I've actually translated.The Phrase Editor appears to use the Dictionary.xml file from the last skin use to generate a report and therefore you need to select the correct skin in this way first. Also some lines may be dropped if you have inadvertently corrupted the syntax. Check contents of your Dictionary by opening with Internet Explorer. 2. I've done wrong translation for Dictionary.xme for report eg. there is a translation like this: "Tiedot Juho's perhe Martta Jussila (Siipola)" and the problem is that I don't find this translation. This sould be in "Tiedot Juho'n perheestä" (in english: "Data of Juho's family") or "Tiedot Juhon ja Martan perheestä" (in english: "Data of Juho's and Martta's family"). This appears to relate to possessive or genitive case of nouns. If there are rules you can appy in the Finnish language to form the possessive/genitive case of a noun then this is handled in the Report by a 'regular expression' held in the Dictionary. From your example you do not appear to have changed this. There are notes in the Dictionary about this INCLUDING A SUGGESTED FINNISH FORM. <!-- PossessiveProperNoun - Conversion of Proper Nouns to their possessive form This is arranged as repeating pairs of 'regular expressions' as <part to find>=<replacement>: $ in the '<part to find>' represents the end of the word, so '(s$)' means ending in 's' . is a wild card presenting any character so (.$) means ending with any character. $n in the '<replacement>' means 'matched substring 'n' so $1 means the 1st bracketed string in '<part to find>' Therefore (s$)=$1': means: if word ends with 's' replace 's' by itself ($1) followed by ' (apostrophe) and (.$)=$1': means replace any last character in a word by that last character followed by 's Another example: to always add the Japanese character 'の' use (.$)=$1の: as the PossessiveProperNoun translation string (you will need to be using a font that supports Japanese to see this!) Once a replacement is made no further pairs are tested. This substitution is performed by the function StrSubstitute in Lang.vbs simple isn't it! By way of an example the following will deal with Finnish possessive proper nouns <PossessiveProperNoun T="s$=ksen:tar$=ttarten:kk(.$)=k$1:pp(.$)=p$1:tt(.$)=t$1.$)=$1n:" /> and French <PossessiveProperNoun T="(^[aeiouyh].*$)=d'$1.+$)=de $1:" /> !!!!!!!!!!!!!! n.b. delimiters : and ; where changed at version to = and : respectively to allow ; to be used in the expression ======================================================================================================================== For more information on regular expressions in VBscript google for 'Windows 5.6 Script Documentation' and download script56.chm and open it. --> <PossessiveProperNoun T="(s$)=$1'.$)=$1's:" />
So you could try changing the PossessiveProperNoun entry. Non-standard possessive/genitive forms can be dealt with using the NameDictionary.xml. See notes in this file for further information. 3. By the way, can you advise how to define correct date format for reports? I mean that eg. instead of June 20th 1943 I'd rather see a date 20.06.1943. Date formats are also defined in Dictionary.xml. See under the <DateFormatting> tag and particularly the <FmtDateDefault> settings.
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Creating a rule won't be easy because genetive is differently formatted if it is singular or plural see sample below:Noun | Singular | Plural | Isoisä | Isoisän | Isoisien | Isoäiti | Isoäidin | Isoäitien | Isä | Isän | Isien | Äiti | Äidin | Äitien | Veli | Veljen | Veljien | Poika | Pojan | Poikien | Sisko | Siskon | Siskojen | Tytär | Tyttären | Tytärten | Serkku | Serkun | Serkkujen | Hän | Hänen | Heidän |
I did manage to download script56. chm BUT not correctly. Have you got this file and in that case could you please send me a copy? BR, Jarmo