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maru-san (9/19/2005)
The narrative text on the page "home.htm" needs to be transferred to the dictionary file. I will get back with the report generator to improve it after version 2.0. I understand the report generator is not finished yet, however it is usable. I am happy the report generator is working at all, because this was brand new technology to me. I have many ideas to make the report generator more powerful and than it is now. I am thinking of adding the attribute Language to each elemen in Config.xml, so the report generator can pick the file "homeJA.htm" or "homeHE.htm" when generating the report. If there is more HTML code, it will be easier to have a different HTML file for each language, than moving everything in the dictionary file. At the moment, I am working on Bet15 for the social entities. I use the name "Social Entity" to describe a school, church, club, committee, council, advisory group, organization, partnership, business or corporation. Then, there are "Social Activities" and "Social Relationships" such as managing, funding, investing, coaching, customer of, associate, partnership, and more.
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Of course I do not want to interrupt the schedule of the release, on the other hand a few things need to be done beside what are known problems, in order to have a flawless report generator, easy to handle by most users (not only a few selected ones). The narrative text on the page "home.htm" needs to be transferred to the dictionary file.
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This solution could work for any text field. I have to figure out a good user- interface for a single-line field but it can be done. By the way, this feature will be for version 3.0. Lets finish ver 2 first
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Yehudad (9/9/2005) That sounds like a grea idea. Can't this be the solution for all the fields? Can't GenoPro work in the same way in all the other fields in the gno file?This solution could would work for any text field. I have to figure out a good user-interface for a single-line field but it can be done. By the way, this feature will be for version 3.0.
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This way, there would be no need to have two trees. A single .gno file could store as many languages as necessary. The Table Layout would have problems to display the same comment in multiple languages, so I am thinking the Table Layout should display one language (the language selected by the user). That sounds like a grea idea. Can't this be the solution for all the fields? Can't GenoPro work in the same way in all the other fields in the gno file?
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beraha (9/9/2005) why not making it possible to write comments on genopro in 2 languages manually, and the report generator will use the relevant comment depending the language that the user choose to create a reportThat is the goal, except the solution I am thinking allows multiple languages instead of 2. GenoPro will not attempt to translate comments (because it is nearly impossible to do so), but will allow the same comment to be written into multiple languages.
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GenoProSupport (9/9/2005) The translation of comments and other fields remains problematic.Since translation of comments is a big problem, why not making it possible to write comments on genopro in 2 languages manually, and the report generator will use the relevant comment depending the language that the user choose to create a report
Edited: Friday, September 9, 2005 by
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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The NameDictionary is one solution, however it is limited to names (first names, last names, place names, etc). The translation of comments and other fields remains problematic.I have been thinking of a solution for supporting multiple languages per comment. GenoPro can recognize a the language code (EN, FR, JA, HE) at the end of each field such as i.birth.comment.EN , i.birth.comment.FR , i.birth.comment.JA , i.birth.comment.HE . When generating the report, GenoPro can select the proper language code. If no text is found under the given language code, GenoPro could optionally select the neutral language if any (eg: i.birth.comment ). On the graphical interface, a drop-down list would be available to the user to add a new comment in a new language. Internally, GenoPro would use a clever mechanism to store and classify text for each language. This way, there would be no need to have two trees. A single .gno file could store as many languages as necessary. The Table Layout would have problems to display the same comment in multiple languages, so I am thinking the Table Layout should display one language (the language selected by the user). There is also a discussion for descriptions in multiple languages.
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The NameDictionary.xml is the answer to all the examples that you brought, Alfi.To the line:
<N EN="Yehuda" HE="יהודה" /> | you can add as many languages you want.It is then up to the user in which language he wants the report.