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Beta 20 has the Google Maps place link but it is not turned on by default. You will need to generate a custom skin and edit Config.xml to turn on this feature. Please read the notes in Config.xml, especially if you intend to publish to a web site other than familytrees.genopro.com. If there are not too many problems with this beta trial of the Google Maps perhaps it will be turned on by default.
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I tried making a report with the Google map switched on and saw the result for Kew, Melbourne, Australia which is very good, but no other place in the UK or elsewhere could show up, not even places like Liverpool, Glasgow or Hobart, Tasmania.I had tried first with the co-ordinates I had entered as found on the sites recommended, but the places didn't show up so I removed them in my test tree with no effect; only Melbourne shows up. Is this normal or am I missing something ?
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IainTait (11/28/2006)
I tried making a report with the Google map switched on and saw the result for Kew, Melbourne, Australia which is very good, but no other place in the UK or elsewhere could show up, not even places like Liverpool, Glasgow or Hobart, Tasmania. I had tried first with the co-ordinates I had entered as found on the sites recommended, but the places didn't show up so I removed them in my test tree with no effect; only Melbourne shows up. Is this normal or am I missing something ? The Google Maps API first uses the co-ordinates installed in Genopro for each Place, in the metric form e.g. -33.123456 and 140.123456 . If no co-ordinates are supplied then the system will try to search using a very limited geomapping function, which works ok in most of the World, except UK. Uk addresses are not currently included. If the co-ordinates are entered via Genopro then the map will locate and display those co-ordinates. Please note that Hobart, Tasmania is not correct for geomapping. It should be entered as Hobart,Australia or Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The country is neceesary, not necessarily the State, except to overcome amiguities.
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Edited: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 by
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Thanks for the tips, I had entered the coordinates in the form N and W and not the form you mentioned. I will try again. Update:- I gave it a try with the correct type of coordinates and the result was very interesting !
Edited: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 by
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Good job Ron !! Its a great funcionality. I change the default value in the config.xml ==> GoogleMaps="Y" and its work very good. With decimal coordinates there is no problem. With USA address neither. I found a trouble with degrees because it doesn't recognize this lat: 25º 35' N ; lon 35º 15' W (may be the especial character º, blankspaces or anything else) Congratulations !!
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Ron, congratulations on a terrific feature. Well done! I have a friend who was so impressed that he is now thinking of buying GenoPro.He had one question, is there any way of surpressing the text box from automatically popping up? I would think this was a purely GoogleMaps feature.
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He had one question, is there any way of surpressing the text box from automatically popping up? I would think this was a purely GoogleMaps feature. You can prevent the information bubble from appearing by removing the lines marker.openInfoWindowHtml(strPlace);
| and
marker.openInfoWindowHtml(place.address + '<br>' + '<b>Country code:</b> ' + place.AddressDetails.Country.CountryNameCode + '<br>' + '<g>Grid Reference:</b> ' + place.Point.coordinates[1] + '/' + place.Point.coordinates[0]);
towards the end of script.js in a custom skin.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Ron, thank you. That worked fine.
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Is it possible to add values 'village part' and 'city part' to the Place Category in Place Properties?