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The first parameter of the PhUnion label give the names of the maried paar (or They)
<!-- V="±" 0=spouse names|they, <PhUnion T="{  }{\U}{!0} [{?!1|2|3|4|5|6}[{?7^8}are][{!}were]][{?1|2|3|4|5|6}were][{?9} ]{!9} married[ {1}]{2}{3h}[ by[{?!5} {12}][{!} {4}][ {5}]][[{?4|5} and] witnessed by {6}]."
This Zero pararameter are using the PhThey label <!-- V="±" 0=name, 1=partner's name, Force 'they' if both absent Test={0}=James|, {1}=Lily| --> <PhThey T="[{0h}][{?1}[{?0} and] {1h}][{?!0|1}{0=They}]" V="2011.07.21"/>
But like you kwnow, we use an article.... that can be withe apostrof
En(El) Joan i l'Isabel L'Albert i la Maria
How can we found a solution?
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Can you use the function PnP on Lang.Vbs in conjuction of the Labels PA_M = "En" PA_F = "La" NewNoum = PA_M + Name.First and then make the translation of the PossessiveProperNoun label? this will be done in all the noums and it will be correct Note: Depending of the zone, the PA_M and PA_F can be: |
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I will shortly release amended Skin Templates that should hopefully provide a solution based on the discussion at https://support.genopro.com/Topic43703.aspx but with some changes. all 'short names' , generally Name.First but can differ) will have the correct article prefixed to it either based on the dfaults in Dictionary.xml or override from Name.Article custom tag. Possessive Proper Nouns will be derived from the 'articled' short name.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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The apostrof works on most noums... also on Months
(Va neixer) el 22 de maig del 1924 is correct but
(Va neixer) el 22 d'abril del 1924(Va neixer) el 22 d'agost del 1924(Va neixer) el 22 d'octubre del 1924
all the other months are de xxx only this three use the apostrof
I think it will be the labels: <FmtYMD> <!-- Jan 31st, 2006 --> [|~|<|>]"el" d "de" MMMM "del" yyyy </FmtYMD>and <FmtDateLong> <!-- Monday, January 31st, 2006 --> [|aproximadament|abans del|posteriorment al] dddd "de" MMMM "del" yyyy </FmtDateLong>
Can we use<FmtYMD_Apr> <FmtYMD_Aug> <FmtYMD_Oct> [|~|<|>]"el" d "d'"MMMM "del" yyyy<FmtDateLong_Apr> <FmtDateLong_Aug> <FmtDateLong_Oct> [|aproximadament|abans del|posteriorment al] dddd "d'"MMMM "del" yyyy
may be all the labels unten <FmtDateDefault> <FmtDateLong> <FmtDateNarrative>
(I hope are all there)
Edited: Thursday, March 14, 2024 by
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the question of the Date, was not hier?
<ConvertDateSpan T="de ([aeiou])=d'$1:el ([aeiou])=l'$1:al ([aeiou])=a l'$1:del ([aeiou])=de l'$1:"/> |
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I do not think 'but it's not working!!' is an accurate statement. Maybe it is not working in the way you would like it to?
ConvertDateSpan was introduced to the Narrative Report some 17 years ago in 2007 to fix an issue with the french translation, see https://support.genopro.com/Topic17865.aspx and https://support.genopro.com/Topic17661.aspx.It deals specifically with date ranges, hence DateSpan, but not single dates.
Your requirement for the Catalan translation is a new issue. I will investigate whether or not a similar approach to ConvertDateSpan can be introduced to resolve this issue.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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that's true... it's not working in the way that I was thinking and I'm trying to find the best way to solve it
and I wasn't know that muss work with date ranges....
Sorry... but sometime it's difficult for me to say what I want in englisch
Edited: Monday, March 18, 2024 by
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The three files attached replacing the ones in Common\Code folder should resolve this issue. I have renamed the Dictionary.xml tag from ConvertDateSpan to ConvertDateString to reflect its new function but my script will still accept both names. The scripts have been changed to apply the 'regular expression' checks specified in that tag to all narrative dates in the report and apply the conversion where matches are found. Once you have confirmed that these changes are fixing the problem I will update the report skins bundle. Edit 2024.03.26 amended Lang.vbs to correct problem introduced in previous changes that causes children to be reported ad ' of unknown gender'
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Edited: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 by
Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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On the first Message I spoke about the PhUnion and it's solved.... but it was an example.
Really I need to use the article everytime that we use the name (maybe there are some exemptions, but in this moment I can't find them)
Can you change it? (I hope, that with this change, the Catalan version will be ready, after rewiew, in few Weeks)